Maize – a popular vegetable for the whole family

Majs – en populær grøntsag for hele familien -

Maize (Zea mays) is a popular vegetable and one of the most important crops in the world. You will find corn on dinner tables all over the globe. In the same way that potatoes play an important role in many Danish dishes, corn has a central place in many other cultures around the world. In Denmark, it is primarily sweet corn that we come across. They taste great and many children love them. Sweet corn are child-friendly snacks and can also be used in salads, soups and main dishes.

Corn comes in many varieties and colors and it is fascinating. Sweet corn is basically freshly harvested corn from the field. If you leave them for a few months, the sweetness decreases and the corn becomes more robust. This type of corn is often used to make cornmeal. First, the corn is dried, and then it is turned into flour. Maize flour is used in many dishes around the world.

For example, maize flour is used to make food pancakes in many African countries. In East Africa, maize flour is used for the dish "ugali", while in West Africa it is called "fufu". Most Africans know this dish and it is eaten all over the continent. Cornmeal is also used to make cornmeal for babies from the age of six months, as it is nutritious and good for children's development.

I know a little about corn because my father had corn plantations and I often helped plant and harvest corn. In Denmark, we mainly see yellow corn, but they are also available in red, white, brown, black and purple varieties – really fascinating! One of the most important things I learned from helping my father is how generous nature is. We sowed just four seeds in small holes and after about a year we harvested plenty of corn on the cob. What we got back was far more than we had sown – pure bounty from nature.

Where does corn come from?

Maize originally comes from Central America. It is believed that natural people have cultivated corn for about 9,000 years, especially in the areas from central and northwestern Mexico to western Guatemala. Maize was spread to the rest of the world after European voyages of discovery. Today, corn is grown on every continent except Antarctica, as corn requires lots of sunlight.

Maize is an annual plant that is grown in many places. You sow the seeds and care for them until harvest by providing sufficient water and sunlight.

The important nutrients in corn

Maize is a good source of carbohydrates, which provide energy, as well as fiber, which is important for digestion. In addition, corn contains protein and vitamins B, B1 and B3, which are necessary for energy production and nerve function. Corn is also rich in minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, which are essential for bones and muscles. Phosphorus is also an important component of teeth and important to have to maintain healthy teeth.

Use of corn in cooking

Corn flour
Corn flour is a popular gluten-free alternative used in many dishes. It can be used for baking bread, pancakes or corn porridge. You can also replace wheat flour with corn flour in meatballs or for breading meat and fish.

Fresh corn on the cob

  • Brush them with salt and grill them until golden.
  • Cook them with a little salt for 7-10 minutes.
  • Tear the cooked corn kernels off the cob and use them in salads or as a topping on soups.

Corn is a versatile vegetable that can add both flavor and nutrition to your meals!